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Paragliding at Sharp Park

We have been teaching paragliding on Cobble Hill as Parafly Paragliding, Inc. since 1993.  We have taught over 600 people to fly paragliders over that period of time.  

Flying high above Cobble Hill.
Learning to paraglide at Cobble Hill.

We teach lessons from May to November whenever we have suitable winds out of the northwest less than 12 mph for beginners.  We need to launch and land into the wind.  Since we never know when the wind will be suitable until 48 hours or so in advance, we keep an email alert list and notify those on the list when we see good conditions for teaching paragliding coming up.  Email us at to get on the alert list.


For prices and more information about our paragliding program check out our website at .


Contact us at
Our physical location: 
204 Cobble Hill Rd., Milton, VT  05468
(802) 879-3507 or
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